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June 15th Meeting Agenda

Logo%20OnlyMeeting Notice and

 Revised AGENDA

Cowlitz County Mosquito Control District

Meeting Date:  Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Virtual Meeting to be held on Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 828 4384 8844

Passcode: 060320

One tap mobile

+12532158782,,82843848844#,,,,*060320# US (Tacoma)

+13462487799,,82843848844#,,,,*060320# US (Houston)

Dial by your location

        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 828 4384 8844

Passcode: 060320

Find your local number:

1.  Call to order………………………………………………………………………………. President Neel

2.  Roll call…………………………………………………………………………………… Charlotte Brock

3.  Executive Session about Settlement Agreement with Patrick Brock and Budget and Finance Manager position

4.  Changes & Additions to Agenda, if any.

5.  Approval of minutes of April 27, 2021 Meeting……………………………. President Neel

6.  Approval of minutes of May 18, 2021 Special Meeting…………………. President Neel

7.  Voucher Approvals…………………………………………………………………….. President Neel
     April 18, 2021- June 15, 2021

8.  Election of District Secretary………………………………………………………. President Neel

9.  Operations Reports………………………………………………….. Michael McKeague-Foster

      a. Field Report

      b. Bids for ductless heat pump for building

8.   Washington State Board Training………………………………………….. Frank Randolph

9.   Board Member update and updated Board list…………………………… President Neel

10. Board Meeting Schedule……………………………………………………………. President Neel

11. Proposed Bylaw changes…………………………………………………………………….. Bill Josh

12. Resolution 2021-05:  Appointment of Agent to Receive
      Any Claim……………………………………………………………………………… Frank Randolph

13. Adjourn

Please confirm that you will be attending.

Charlotte Brock………………………………………………………….. 360-431-4244

[email protected]

Michael McKeague-Foster……………………………………………. 360-423-5311

[email protected]

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Special Meeting Notice and Agenda

Special Meeting Notice and


Cowlitz County Mosquito Control District

Meeting Date:  Tuesday, May 18, 2021

6:00 P.M.:  Virtual Meeting to be held on Zoom


Meeting ID: 838 0450 2980
Passcode: 553070
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,83804502980#,,,,*553070# US (Tacoma)
+13462487799,,83804502980#,,,,*553070# US (Houston)

Dial by your location
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 838 0450 2980
Passcode: 553070
Find your local number:

  1. Call to order……………………………………………………………………………… President Neel
  2. Roll call ………………………………………………………………………….President Neel
  3. Discussion Around the Current Professional Services Agreements for Financial and Legal Services.
  4. Discussion about Retaining Bob Gregory for Transition services
  5. Adjourn
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Cowlitz Mosquito District Board Meeting Dates for 2021


Tuesday, April 27, 20216:00 p.m.
Tuesday, June 15, 20216:00 p.m.
Tuesday, September 14, 2021 (set preliminary budget for 2022)6:00 p.m.                 
Tuesday, October 12, 2021 (Public Hearing)6:00 p.m.

The April 27 meeting will be held via Zoom.

All other meeting are scheduled to be held at 1319 South 13th, Kelso, Washington unless Covid restrictions permit.  If that occurs, notice will be posted on this website.

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Cowlitz Co. Mosquito Control Board Meeting Agenda for Tuesday, April 27, 2021

6:00 P.M.:  Virtual Meeting to be held on Zoom

Meeting ID:  836 9814 1331

Passcode:  580669

Dial by location:  1-253-215-8782

Meeting ID:  836 9814 1331

Passcode: 580669

  1. Call to order — President Neel
  2. Roll call — C. Brock
  3. Changes & Additions to Agenda, if any.
  4. Approval of minutes of February 22, 2021 Special Meeting.– President Neel
  5. Voucher Approvals — President Neel
    October 3, 2020 – December 2020 — (Input from J. Moksness re review of
    January 1, 2021 – April 17, 2021         associated invoices)
  6. Final Expenditures and Budget review for 2020
    including cash carryover authorized expenditures — C. Brock

  7. Benefits Package Resolutions (to be voted on individually) — P. Brock
    A.  Resolution 2021-01—Resolution to Participate in the Washington State Insurance Plans.
    Two attestations:  Agency/Instrumentality Eligibility Attestation
    ERISA Eligibility Attestation

    B.  Resolution 2021-02—Resolution Authorizing District’s Board President to sign Exhibit A authorizing the District’s participation in the Washington State Deferred Compensation Program

C.  Resolution 2021-03—Resolution Related to Have Absolute Coverage Related to Social Security Benefits.

  • Resolution 2021-04.  Resolution related to Personnel Matters and Amending Resolution 2020-08 by Amending Page 1 of Policies and Procedures Handbook  “Hours Worked Each Month” — P. Brock
  • Motion to Remove Trevor Schneider as a Red Canoe credit card holder and Add Michael McKeague-Foster to be issued a credit card at
    Red Canoe Credit Union — C. Brock
  • Michael McKeague-Foster Reports
          a. Update on FAA exemption for Drone use
          b. Input regarding current and future staffing for District
    Progress in his understanding of District operation and current mosquito control
  • Presentation of Award to Outgoing President Jeane Moksness — C. Brock
  • Costs for Financial and Legal Services – C. Neel
  • Other
  • Adjourn

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Special Meeting Notice and Agenda

Cowlitz County Mosquito Control District

Meeting Date:  Monday, February 22, 2021

5:30 p.m.— Join Zoom Virtual Meeting

Log In:

Meeting ID:  884-1999-0135

Passcode:  301630

Dial by your location:  1-253-215-8782 (Tacoma Passcode:  301630)

    Approval of October 13, 2020 Minutes
    Approval of February 9, 2021 Minutes

    At the request of Board Member Paul Helenberg and concurred by the Selection Committee, discussion of the cost impact to the District of continuing to operate in a staffing mode with all part-time employees vs. hiring a full-time manager and assistant manager and one part-time field worker.

    Analysis information to be presented by Charlotte Brock, Budgeting and Finance Manager


    Discussion of Employment Agreement and Appointment of Michael Foster as full-time Program Manager for the District

    a.  Discussion of the Selection Committee’s interview and evaluation) of the candidate Michael Foster   (Colleen and other members of Selection Committee

    b.  Discussion of the proposed Employment Agreement between parties
    including changes in language of benefits provision                                      Pat Brock, Attorney

    c.  Input from Board Members regarding changes or additions to the Agreement


Motion authorizing Board President to execute Employment Agreement on behalf of the District between the District and Michael Foster


Authorize Board President to execute a consultant Agreement with Trevor for assistance to Michael Foster in his transition into the position as per Agreement prepared by Pat Brock at a rate of $23 per hour, not to exceed 80 hours.


    a.  Discussion Regarding Interview of Andrew Van Oosten 
         (Colleen and any other members of Selection Committee)

    b.  Discussion of creating a full-time Assistant Program Manager position
          (Colleen and any other members of Selection Committee)

  •  MOTION FOR ADJOURNMENT   (President Colleen Neel)
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Special Meeting Notice and Agenda

Cowlitz County Mosquito Control District

Meeting Date:  Thursday, February 22, 2021

5:30 p.m.— Join Zoom Virtual Meeting

Log In:

Meeting ID:  884-1999-0135

Passcode:  301630

Dial by your location:  1-253-215-8782 (Tacoma Passcode:  518899)

    Approval of October 13, 2020 Minutes
    Approval of February 9, 2021 Minutes

    At the request of Board Member Paul Helenberg and concurred by the Selection Committee, discussion of the cost impact to the District of continuing to operate in a staffing mode with all part-time employees vs. hiring a full-time manager and assistant manager and one part-time field worker.

    Analysis information to be presented by Charlotte Brock, Budgeting and Finance Manager


    Discussion of Employment Agreement and Appointment of Michael Foster as full-time Program Manager for the District

    a.  Discussion of the Selection Committee’s interview and evaluation) of the candidate Michael Foster   (Colleen and other members of Selection Committee

    b.  Discussion of the proposed Employment Agreement between parties
    including changes in language of benefits provision                                      Pat Brock, Attorney

    c.  Input from Board Members regarding changes or additions to the Agreement


Motion authorizing Board President to execute Employment Agreement on behalf of the District between the District and Michael Foster


Authorize Board President to execute a consultant Agreement with Trevor for assistance to Michael Foster in his transition into the position as per Agreement prepared by Pat Brock at a rate of $23 per hour, not to exceed 80 hours.


    a.  Discussion Regarding Interview of Andrew Van Oosten 
         (Colleen and any other members of Selection Committee)

    b.  Discussion of creating a full-time Assistant Program Manager position
          (Colleen and any other members of Selection Committee)

  •  MOTION FOR ADJOURNMENT   (President Colleen Neel)
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Special Meeting Notice and Agenca

Cowlitz County Mosquito Control District

Meeting Date:  Thursday, February 18, 2021

6:00 p.m.— Join Zoom Virtual Meeting

Log In:

Meeting ID:  897 6474 1337

Passcode:  518899

Dial by your location:  1-253-2158782 (Tacoma Passcode:  518899)

    At the request of Board Member Paul Helenberg of the Selection Committee, discussion of the cost impact to the District of continuing to operate in a staffing mode with all part-time employees vs. hiring a full-time manager and assistant manager and one part-time field worker.

    Analysis information to be presented by Charlotte Brock, Budgeting and Finance Manager


    Discussion of Employment Agreement and Appointment of Michael Foster as full-time Program Manager for the District

a.  Discussion of the Selection Committee’s Interview and evaluation of the candidate Michael Foster – (Colleen and any other members of Selection Committee)

b.  Discussion of the proposed Employment Agreement between the parties           Pat Brock,Attorney

c.  Input from Board Members regarding changes or additions to the Agreement.


Motion authorizing Board President to execute Employment Agreement on behalf of the District between the District and Michael Foster


    a.  Discussion of creating a full-time Assistant Program Manager position  (Colleen and any other members of Selection Committee)

b.  Discussion Regarding Interview Of Andrew Van Oosten      (Colleen and any other members of Selection Committee)

c.  Discussion of future action to be taken                                                           Board Members

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Special Meeting Notice and Agenda

Cowlitz County Mosquito Control District

Meeting Date:  Tuesday, February 9, 2021

6:00 p.m.— Join Zoom Virtual Meeting

Log In:

Meeting ID:  861 7456 3211

Passcode:  170633

Dial by your location:  1-253-2158782 (Tacoma)


Discussion regarding Trevor Schneider’s resignation, a discussion of what transpired, and steps to immediately be taken to perform necessary District functions  – – Colleen Neel and Pat Brock


Discussion regarding possible immediate selection and appointment of an Interim Program Manager; specifically, consideration of a process for the appointment of
Andrew Van Oosten — Colleen Neel and Pat Brock


I move that a group composed of our Attorney, Board President and up to two other available Board Members interview Andrew Van Oosten at its earliest convenience and that if such group is in agreement that Mr. Van Oosten is suitable to serve as the District’s Interim Program Manager, our attorney prepare and present a suitable contract for execution between the parties and that the Board President be authorized to execute a contract without further Board action subject to the following:  That the contract term be no more than four (4) months as an independent contractor (not an employee), or until a permanent Program Manager begins work, whichever comes first.  Compensation and hours of work to be offered be determined by said group not to exceed ______ weekly hours at a rate not to exceed _____________ per hour and such other terms as the group deems appropriate.


Report by Colleen Neel regarding Trevor Schneider’s proposal to return to District employment if Board agrees to certain terms and conditions he would require.


  •  EXECUTIVE SESSION  – Discussion of Board’s consideration of Trevor Schneider’s proposal

POSSIBLE ACTION ITEM FOLLOWING EXECUTIVE SESSION:  Board authorizes Neel or Brock to respond to Trevor Schneider in accordance with Board’s Executive Session discussion.

  • EXECUTIVE SESSION – Potential Litigation Matter

Discussion of Trevor Schneider’s representations to terminated employee Douglas Morgan regarding re-employment with the District

ACTION ITEM – Board directs Pat Brock to inform Douglas Morgan of District’s position regarding his request.


Discuss consideration of  moving to appointment of a full-time Program Manager.

  • Minimum qualifications for appointment as Program Manager
  • Salary range and benefits
  • Recruitment process, advertising, etc.
  • Timetable for starting


Compensation to our Attorney under Section 3C “Additional Services” of his Retainer and Legal Services Agreement.

Ordinarily such work simply gets billed and paid.  However, in circumstances where a significant block of time is anticipated, it’s appropriate that the Board acknowledge this and authorize the work.  Past examples include his involvement in the selection and hiring of past Program Managers and the complicated work that was done to formulate and put in place a levy assessment method as required by the State Attorney General and State Auditor.

In this instance, this work began when we were notified just one week before a hearing before a state administrative judge of Doug Morgan’s appeal and then everything that has transpired thereafter involving Trevor’s resignation, our need for an interim Program Manager selection and appointment of a permanent Program Manager.

Action Taken:  Motion to authorize Attorney’s involvement in the matters above identified.  Ratifying and confirming work performed on these matters beginning with Notice of Hearing before Administrative Judge of Doug Morgan Appeal

Authorization to pay attorney Wes Johnson $2,000 for his work as Special Counsel in this matter as previously authorized by the Board.

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Public Notice of Mosquito Control Activities

Public Notice of Mosquito Control Activities

The Cowlitz County Mosquito Control District will begin seasonal activities soon.

Only when sufficient mosquito larvae are found will they use one of the following larvicides.

  • VectoBac EPA# 73049-10 and 73049-38 (Bacillus thuringiensis, subspecies Israelensis): specific for mosquito larva
  • VectoLex FG EPA# 73049-20 (Bacillus sphaericus): specific for mosquito larva
  • VectoMax FG EPA# 73049-429 (Bacillus thuringiensis, subspecies Israelensis and Bacillus sphaericus): specific for mosquito larva
  • VectoPrime FG EPA# 73049-501 (Bacillus thuringiensis, subspecies Israelensis and S-Methoprene): specific for mosquito larva
  • Natular EPA# 8329-84 and 8329-83 (Spinosad): the first mosquito larvicide evaluated as a Reduced Risk Product by the EPA
  • Altosid EPA# 2724-421 and 2724-448 (S-Methoprene) a growth inhibitor active on mosquito larva
  • Metalarv S-PT EPA# 73049-475 (S-Methoprene) a growth inhibitor active on mosquito larva
  • Cocobear Oil EPA# 8329-93 (mineral oil): for late stage larva and pupa on impounded water bodies

Later in the season and only in areas where adult mosquitoes cause extreme annoyance or mosquito transmitted disease is present will the district adulticide using one of the following Adulticides:

  • Permanone EPA# 432-1277 (Permethrin) which is Ultra Low Volume sprayed at a rate between 0.024 and 0.112 ounces per acre.
  • Deltagard EPA# 432-1534 (Deltamethrin) which is Ultra Low Volume sprayed at a rate between 0.0066 and 0.02 ounces per acre.

Mosquito control activities will continue throughout the season until mid-October.

For further information or to report mosquito problems, visit their website at or phone the Mosquito Control Hot Line (360) 425-5658. Additional information and changes will be posted on their website.

You may also contact the Ecology Aquatic Pesticides Permit Manager, Jon Jennings at: (360) 407-6283