April 2, 2019 Trapping Report

Your Cowlitz County Mosquito Control is now open for the 2019 season! We can help you control the mosquito larvae population in your area before they have a chance to emerge as adult mosquitoes. You may request a service call by visiting our Contact Page, or by calling our Hot Line at 360-425-5658.
The Cowlitz County Mosquito Control District will begin seasonal activities soon. Only when mosquito larva is found will the district use one of the following larvicides.
Later in the season and only in areas where adult mosquitoes cause extreme annoyance or mosquito transmitted disease is present will the district adulticide using:
Mosquito control activities will continue throughout the season until mid-October.
For further information or to report mosquito problems, visit our website at www.cowlitzmosquitocontrol.com or phone the Mosquito Control Hot Line (360) 425-5658. Additional information and schedule changes will be posted on our website.
You may also contact the Ecology Aquatic Pesticides Permit Manager, Jon Jennings at: (360) 407-6283
September is finally here with fall right around the corner! Thankfully, the cooler weather means that we can all take a break from the mosquitoes and enjoy our time outdoors without worrying about those annoying pests.
It also means that your Cowlitz County Mosquito Control District will be closed until next spring when the mosquitoes begin their life cycle once more. Until then, we all hope you enjoy your fall and winter. We will see you next spring!